A-Z of Drugs
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A-Z of Drugs
Amyl Nitrite
Anabolic Steroids
Ecstasy (MDMA)
Energy drinks and caffeine
Synthetic drugs
Nitrous Oxide
Prescription opioids
Stay OK
Stay OK
Alcohol and Drug Information Service (ADIS) terms and conditions of use
Insights & Research
National Wastewater Drug Monitoring Program Tenth Report
Secondary school students' use of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs in 2017
National Drug Strategy Household Survey 2019
NSW Drug Trends 2019 - Key Findings from the Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting system
Baby boomers and booze: we should be worried about how older Australians are drinking
AOD treatment services in Australia 2018 - 2019
Comorbid Mental Illness and Illicit Substance Use: Evidence Check
Changes in sales of analgesics to pharmacies after codeine was rescheduled as a prescription only medicine
Key findings from the ‘Australians’ Drug Use: Adapting to Pandemic Threats’ (ADAPT) Study
The deleterious effects of cannabis during pregnancy on neonatal outcomes
NSW Drug Trends 2019 - Key Findings from the Illicit Drug Reporting system (IDRS) Interviews
Treatment outcomes for methamphetamine users receiving outpatient counselling from the Stimulant Treatment Program in Australia
Further evaluation of the Medically Supervised Injecting Centre during its extended Trial period (2007-2011)
Evaluation of an online injecting drug use stigma intervention targeted at health providers in NSW
Flux Study Annual Report 2014-2017 Following Lives Undergoing Change
Needle Syringe Program National Minimum Data Collection Report 2019
Report of the SWASH Lesbian, Bisexual and Queer Women’s Health Survey 2014, 2016, 2018
Methamphetamine Use and Related Harms in NSW - Surveillance Report to December 2019
Alcohol consumption, drinking patterns and cancer incidence in Australia
What's New
FASD Day - 9 September 2016
NSW Health launches FASD resources
Latest findings from the 2016 National Drug Strategy Household Survey
Release of the new National Drug Strategy 2017 - 2026
NSW drug package evaluation grants awarded
Four NGOs awarded AOD Innovation Grants: round 2 grants now open
Tackling the availability of alcohol toolkit
New Quick Guide to Drugs & Alcohol - State Library of NSW
FASD Hub Australia - A new online resource
Get into the spirit sans spirits
Now open - consultation for the draft National Alcohol Strategy 2018-2026
New CBT based activities featured in Daybreak
New rules for medicines with codeine
Engaging NSW communities: CDATs collaborate at 2018 Conference
Generational change: Major reforms to Northern Territory Alcohol Policy and Legislation
Share your story! Aboriginal storytelling competition extended
FARE Poll reveals a lack of awareness among Australians about the effects of alcohol
Why everyone has a role to play in preventing alcohol-related harm
Get active, social and healthy at the 2018 NSW Seniors Festival
Why language matters
Games & Tools
The Quiz Room
Test Your Knowledge - Results
Standard Drink Calculator
Risk Assessment Tool
Getting Help
Alcohol and Drug Information Service (ADIS) NSW
Stimulant Treatment Line (STL)
Opioid Treatment Line (OTL)
NSW Quitline
Family Drug Support (FDS)
What is treatment?
Get Healthy Service
Your Service Hub
Sexual Health Infolink
Hepatitis Infoline
NSW/ACT Aboriginal Quitline
Breaking the Ice
Support Services
Stay OK at Music Festivals
Take Home Naloxone
Drug safety and overdose
The law and long-term drug problems
For Aboriginal People
Effects of drugs & alcohol
Pregnancy & breastfeeding
Support & treatment
Workforce support
Useful weblinks
Contact Us
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Terms & Conditions
For Families
For Families
Self-care and wellbeing
Navigating the system
Talking about it
Young people and alcohol & other drugs
How can I stop or cut down my alcohol or drug use?
Is it safe to go “cold turkey”, i.e. to go from drinking/using drugs heavily to not using at all?
If I decide I need help with my alcohol/drug use, what options are available?
How long will I have to wait to get help for my alcohol/drug use? I've heard that it can take months.
What can I expect when I withdraw from using methamphetamine (ice, speed, base, meth)?
Are there drug and alcohol services specifically for young people?
I have specific cultural beliefs and values where can I go for support for my alcohol and drug use?
I use alcohol or other drugs to 'self-medicate' or 'numb myself', in order to help me deal with other problems in my life. How will I cope if I decide to stop?
How do I avoid a lapse or relapse?
What effects will a drug have on me?
Who can I talk to if I want to get more information about the effects of a drug?
What are the short and long term problems that could develop if I continue using?
Where can I get more information about problems associated with substance use?
What is harm reduction or harm minimisation?
How is the harmfulness of a drug determined?
What are some examples of harm reduction?
I’m worried about my son or daughter’s drug use. Who can I talk to about this?
What support services can I use to get more information?
Why can’t the person using drugs or alcohol see they have a problem?
A family member with a drug or alcohol issue is suicidal. What should I do?
How can I stop or cut down my use
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