The new National Drug Strategy 2017-2026 represents the agreement of both federal and state governments on the national drug policy priorities for the next ten years. It aims to build safe, healthy and resilient Australian communities through preventing and minimising the harms of licit and illicit drugs to individuals, families and communities.
The Strategy has identified seven priority areas of focus for the next ten years:
- Enhancing access to treatment
- Developing data and research, and measuring outcomes
- Developing new and innovative responses to prevent uptake, delay first use and reduce alcohol and other drug problems
- Increasing participatory process
- Reducing adverse consequences
- Restricting availability
- Improving national coordination.
The Strategy was informed by public and stakeholder consultations and reaffirms Australia's long-standing commitment to the principle of harm minimisation and a balanced approach to drug policy that focuses on harm reduction, demand reduction and supply reduction - which is yielding positive results.
A number of sub-strategies sit underneath the National Drug Strategy, including the National Ice Action Strategy and the National Alcohol Strategy (currently in development), which contain more specific initiatives and deliverables for government.
Access the
National Drug Strategy 2017 – 2019 online.