NSW Health in collaboration with the Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF) and local agencies has a suite of resources including videos, factsheets and free interactive online education modules to help you and your community learn more about crystal methamphetamine or ice and its effect on individuals and communities.
These resources also explain where you can get help if you or someone you know has an ice problem or you want to support someone with a dependence on .
On this page
Online learning
Video messages from people affected by ice
Where to get support
What should I do in an emergency?
Fact sheets and further information
Online learning
This interactive tool will help you learn more about ice, its history, the effects and how to access support services, with audio and video animation.

Module 1 – Ice and its impacts
Explore the effects of ice on the body and brain.
Start module 1

Module 2 – Getting support
How to get support for you or a loved one who is struggling with ice use.
Start module 2

Module 3 – What communities can do
Find out the best way to help your community.
Start module 3

Module 4 – Reducing stigma
Learn how stigma affects the user and loved ones. See the person, not the drug.
Start module 4
Messages from people affected by ice
Breaking the ice in our community
Hear from an ex-user, clinicians, harm minimisation specialists and families on the impact of ice on their communities and life after ice.
Jay Morris’s story
Ex ice user Jay talks about his experience of overcoming a dependence on ice. Watch to hear from Jay about when he realised using ice became a problem, the moment he knew he needed help and his message to people using ice.
Debbie Warner’s story
Mother of ex-ice user, Debbie talks about her experience of dealing with the stigma of ice and how she found support. Hear her message for families struggling with drug dependence.
Dr Suzie Hudson’s Story
Hear from Clinical Director Dr Suzie Hudson on what ice is, how it is used, the support available and her experience of working with the people using ice. Hear her message to communities.
Where to get support
- Call the
National Alcohol and Other Drugs Hotline on 1800 250 015 for free and confidential advice about alcohol and other drugs 24 hours, 7 days a week.
- Call the
Stimulant Treatment Line (STL) on 02 9361 8088 Sydney Metro or Free call* on 1800 10 11 88 Regional & rural NSW for concerns about psychostimulants (crystal, ice, coke, MDMA, etc) use. 24 hours, 7 days a week. (*Free call numbers are not free from mobile phones.)
- Call
Family Drug Support (FDS) on 1300 368 186 or
www.fds.org.au for caring, non-religious and non-judgemental support and assistance throughout Australia.
What should I do in an emergency?
If you can’t wake someone up or you are concerned that they may have sustained a head injury from a drug related fall – call an ambulance immediately – dial Triple Zero (000).
If the person has been mixing methamphetamines with other drugs, tell the NSW Ambulance paramedic exactly what they have taken. Paramedics are there to help. Generally paramedics don’t involve the police unless there is danger to themselves or other people/children, someone dies, or a crime (such as violence or theft) has been committed.
Fact sheets and further information
For further information on methamphetamine or ice visit
Methamphetamine or refer to resources for individuals and families:
For the latest data on methamphetamine related emergency department presentations and methamphetamine related hospitalisations please visit
NSW Health Stats Drug Misuse.
Health service providers can find more information on alcohol and other drugs, including early intervention, strategy, programs and guidelines on the
NSW Health website.