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Read the latest warnings for illicit drugs circulating in NSW linked to serious harm and illness. If you feel unwell, get help fast
This campaign, for young people aged 14 to 17 years, parents and schools, provides information to protect young people from the harms of e-cigarettes.
booze, drink, goon, juice, liquor, piss, sauce, grog
amyl, climax, heart-on, jungle juice aroma, nitrate, nitro, poppers, quiksilver, rush, thrust
andro, arnies, a's, balls or bulls, caseys, gear, gym candy, hgh, juice, performance & image enhancing drugs, pumpers, roids, stackers, steroids, vets' drugs, weight trainers
benzos, downers, normies, roofies, rowies, seros, sleepers, temazzies, tranquillisers, v, vals, xanies, bricks, rivies, aunty val
bhang, bud, choof, dope, ganja, grass, hash, hashish, hemp, home grown, hydro, kif, marijuana, mary jane, mull, oobie, pot, resin, skunk, wacky weed, weed, yarndi, zero
blow, charlie, coke, cola, crack, dust, freebase, llello, nose candy, snow, toot, white
Starting in March 2025, NSW Health, in partnership with NUAA, is launching a 12-month drug checking trial at select music festivals around the state.
electronic cigarettes, e-cigs, vaping, vapes, vape pens, e-hookah, electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) and puff bars
caps, molly, adam, ck, disco biscuit, e, ecstasy, eccy, pills, pingas, scooby snacks, x, xtc
china girl, china white, dance fever, goodfella, murder 8, TNT, tango and cash
blue nitro, fantasy, g, gamma hydroxybutyrate, gbh, ghb, gina, grievous bodily harm, liquid e, liquid x
acid, blotter, cid, cubes, liberty caps, liberties, lsd, magic mushrooms, mushrooms, microdot, sacred mushrooms, shrooms, tabs, trips, zen
dragon, gear, h, hammer, harry, horse, junk, opioids, opium, skag, smack
bagging, chroming, gas, glue, huffing, inhaling, poppers, rush, snappers, sniffing
awa, grog, kava kava, kawa, lewena, sakau, waka, wati, yaqona
cat tranquilizer, ket, ketaset, ketalar, kitkat, lady k, special k, super k, vitamin k
physeptone, biodone, done
amphetamine, base, crank, crystal, crystal meth, eye openers, glass, go-ee, ice, meth, oxblood, paste, rev, ritalin, shabu, speed, tweak, uppers, wax, whiz, zest
Etazene, Isotonitazene, Metonitazene, Protonitazene, Protonitazepyne (N-pyrrolidino protonitazene)
laughing gas, nitro, N2O, NOS, nangs, whippet, hippy crack, buzz bomb, balloons
insulin, thyroxine, clenbuterol, diuretics, human growth hormone, steroids
fentanyl, codeine, methadone, morphine, oxycodone, biodone, physeptone, hydromorphone, jurnista, buprenorphine
bath salts, Spice, spice gold, zombie, flakka, NBOMe, n-bomb, K2, fake weed, bliss, black mamba, smiles, scooby snaks, gypsy herbs, herbal ecstasy
cigarettes, ciggies, fags, rollies, smokes, tabs