Stimulant Treatment Line (STL) is a NSW state-wide telephone service providing
education, information, counselling and referrals to support services. STL
supports people specifically using stimulants such as speed, ice, ecstasy /
MDMA, cocaine etc. STL clinicians understand the difficulties of speaking out,
seeking help and finding appropriate drug and alcohol treatment, and use their
knowledge and experience to assist you. Call anytime of the day or week
as the service is open 24/7.
STL operates 24 hours, 7 days a week, call Sydney Metropolitan 02 8382 1088 or regional and rural NSW Freecall *1800 10 11 88
* Please note- Freecall numbers are not free from mobile phones
records some information about calls. Some things are kept for statistical
purposes, such as type of drug being asked about, was the caller male or
female, and the like as this will assist STL clinicians to provide the best
tailored support to you. You do not have to provide any identifying information
as it is not mandatory.