The cost of alcohol - Economic costs of alcohol-related harms in NSW


When individuals assess the ‘cost’ of their alcohol consumption, they may consider the short-term implications such as the severity of their hangover or how much they spent at the weekend. What people often fail to realise is that alcohol-related harms incur significant financial costs to the health system and the wider economy.  

Many factors contribute to the financial costs of alcohol harm including alcohol-related hospitalisations, deaths, crimes, emergency department attendances, outpatient presentations, and the impact on productivity.  

In 2019–2020 alone, the total cost of alcohol-related harms for NSW was estimated at $9 billion, or $120.3 million per 100,000 population.  

These estimations are the result of a cost-impact analysis of alcohol-related harms in NSW using two local government areas (LGA) as case studies. 

Learn more about the research and its findings here - economic-costs-alcohol-related-harms-NSW.aspx

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