Take action with Community Engagement Action Program grants!


​The 2018 Community Engagement Action Program (CEAP) grants are occurring, with up to $10k available for a Partnership Project grant.

The Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF) has announced that Community Drug Action Teams (CDATs) are eligible for a Core Grant of up to $3,500 to help them fund their operational costs and smaller activities. In recognition of feedback, the ADF has also increased the amount, so for GST applicable auspice organisations the CDAT can apply for up to $3,850.

Application dates for the Core Grant application open September 3rd 2018 and close at 11:59 on September 28th 2018. The ADF is also providing organisations with the opportunity to apply for Partnership/Project funding of $10,000, following feedback from last year's round.

If your organisation wants to be considered for the Partnership/Project funding, contact your local CDAT to start planning your proposal. Application dates open October 8th 2018 and close at 11:59 on November 9th 2018

What are the requirements?

This year the ADF has changed priority areas, by introducing two new areas to align the CDATs even closer to NSW Health's work and to (further) foster partnerships with key stakeholders:

  • Working with the community to help regulate the availability of alcohol and prevent alcohol related harms
  • Working with priority population groups such as Aboriginal people, CALD communities, LGBTQI people
  • Working with community members to address age-specific alcohol and other drug issues, with the target age groups being young and/or older adults
  • Working together with local and regional libraries to produce community Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) information and education events
  • Working with families to help manage the impact of AOD on the family and support those in need
  • Working in partnership with NSW Health population health and drug and alcohol services (through Local Health Districts) to address emerging community AOD issues
  • Others (including Crystalline Methamphetamine, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), safer celebrations)

CDATs are local groups of passionate volunteers leading Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) prevention projects aiming to strengthen their communities across NSW. Find out how to get involved and become a CDAT member.

For more information about the Core Grant and the Partnership/Project Grant visit the ADF website.

Your Room > What's New > Take action with Community Engagement Action Program grants!