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Learn more about some of the most commonly used drugs affecting Australians right now.
Read the latest warnings for illicit drugs circulating in NSW linked to serious harm and illness. If you feel unwell, get help fast
bhang, bud, choof, dope, ganja, grass, hash, hashish, hemp, home grown, hydro, kif, marijuana, mary jane, mull, oobie, pot, resin, skunk, wacky weed, weed, yarndi, zero
Starting in March 2025, NSW Health, in partnership with NUAA, is launching a 12-month drug checking trial at select music festivals around the state.
acid, blotter, cid, cubes, liberty caps, liberties, lsd, magic mushrooms, mushrooms, microdot, sacred mushrooms, shrooms, tabs, trips, zen
booze, drink, goon, juice, liquor, piss, sauce, grog
caps, molly, adam, ck, disco biscuit, e, ecstasy, eccy, pills, pingas, scooby snacks, x, xtc
amphetamine, base, crank, crystal, crystal meth, eye openers, glass, go-ee, ice, meth, oxblood, paste, rev, ritalin, shabu, speed, tweak, uppers, wax, whiz, zest
cigarettes, ciggies, fags, rollies, smokes, tabs
blow, charlie, coke, cola, crack, dust, freebase, llello, nose candy, snow, toot, white
dragon, gear, h, hammer, harry, horse, junk, opioids, opium, skag, smack
fentanyl, codeine, methadone, morphine, oxycodone, biodone, physeptone, hydromorphone, jurnista, buprenorphine
Learn about support and treatment options for a wide range of drugs
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Test your knowledge and assess if your habits are putting you at risk
Information to support Aboriginal people in NSW in reducing the harms caused by alcohol and drugs
Information to support families in NSW to reduce the harms caused by alcohol and other drugs
Frequently asked questions
Information about support or treatment options for alcohol and other drugs